Take a leap of faith.

26 January 2014

Lots of events have happened to me, since the last time I blogged here.

Yes, I am a full grown adult, yet I always ask my parents for their opinion before deciding on something.  An important decision is going to take place and here, I am sharing it with the world.  I have been offered a job at another store and I am going to take it.  There.  I have said it.  I haven’t spoken to my parents as they are both on vacation at this very moment.  I dread to think, what they are going to say.  Is it going to be positive feed back or negative feedback?  Too late, now.  I have already agreed.  

Tenth of January, I was working at a new store that had opened in the next town, to where I live and to where I work.  It was such a great experience and I loved every moment I was there working.  New environment.  New people.  New customers.  Great!  After two weeks of working, lots of different shifts, twice as much of hours to what I normally work.  Seven days a week non stop work, then having one day off.  Then again working through my normal days off, doing crazy shifts like 1pm to 10pm , then starting the next day at 6am to 2pm.  

New Year’s Resolutions

It is amazing what little pleasures of life can do to oneself.  Give you a personal little lift.  I have decided now that for my new year’s resolution I will commit myself to fun, active, amazing feeling good things to do list.  If that makes any sense to you guys out there.  So, for example, I will push myself and cross boundaries where I have never been.  Push myself out of my comfort zone.  I have done something like this in my job, couple years back, all down to someone saying to me that I am not very ‘daring’ or what was it…thinking..thinking… ah that’s it.. oh darn it’s gone from my head again.. something like achieving.. in the lines of ruthless but not.. in the lines of.. that’s it!  i have remembered ‘ambitious’.  Some one said to me, I am not ambitious enough.  Depends what that word means to oneself.  Everyone sees and views life differently.  So what did I do, I improved myself and goodness, I felt really good.  It was scary and exciting at the same time.  So yes, do something a little different everyday.

What did I do today?  Well, I went window shopping and bought something which I didn’t expect to ever buy and you know what?  it felt good.  I got a really good deal and I saved a few bucks.  That’s cool.  We are in the recession, for goodness sakes!  So why the hell not?!  We have the one life!  I have the one life.  I work hard, too hard maybe (finished writing my column at 2am and it was two sides of A4) and don’t really socialize (so why not?)  I have to stop talking like I am a group of people, keep using the word ‘we’ – anyone else out there who do that, instead of using the word ‘i’?     

At least I didn’t go on a shopping spree and buy gorgeous smelling leather handbags – don’t you just love the smell of real leather?  Or buy shoes.. actually a couple of weeks ago, I did buy some pretty blue pumps (you know the flat types), comfy soft, that suit a pair of skinny jeans – don’t know why though – as it is freezing at the minute.  Not very practical.  I still love them any how.  Shopping can be very therapeutic.  Impulse buying might be really bad.  But if you can control yourself, then you should be fine.  My little weakness, is movies..  I bought a couple dvds earlier… Good bargains!  Do I really need them?  No.  Yet I love watching films.  Who doesn’t?

So, new years resolutions.. 2014…travel places where I have never been to.  Obviously, somewhere not to expensive, got to be realistic.  What makes me happy?  do things that I love and just didn’t seem to have much time this year to do.  

There is a quote that Gandhi said – I can’t remember it.. I know for a fact that it is in the film “Remember Me” stars Robert Pattison, Pierce Brosnan, and the TV series Lost girl.  Robert’s character keeps repeating the quote throughout the movie.  It is a good quote.

“What ever you do in life will be insignificant, but it is important that you do it.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

One to remember.  Think about it.  🙂

Ah, it’s now 02:32 UK time.

Better sleep now.  A good note to go to sleep on.  Good night. x